As NACS Members, our mission is to expand, improve, and expedite the delivery of USDA Farm Loan Program to farmers and rancher across the United States as well as the professional skill and welfare of employees of the USDA Farm Service Agency. Membership types include: Regular, Associate, and Lifetime (for retirees).
Q: What is NACS?
A: The National Association of Credit Specialists is a professional organization of USDA-Farm Service Agency employees working to support rural America. We help bridge the gap between policy makers in Congress and our Agency, with our members providing the ideas and resolutions that help craft improved loan delivery throughout the country. NACS gives you a voice.
Q: What is a "Resolution?"
A: The resolution process is the backbone of the Association. It takes your concerns and recommendations - or "Resolutions" - and presents them to leadership in the National Office. As members of an organized group, we have greater ability and resources to affect change, and do so by accompanying our concern with a way to improve it. Submit your Resolutions online at any time— every idea will be discussed and reviewed during National Convention by the appropriate Committee and the
delegation. Committees include Loan Making; Loan Servicing; Management/Personnel; Information Technology; and Legislative Issues.
Q: What do I get out of it?
A: NACS is a distinguished, professional organization that provides opportunities to its members that are not readily available to others. NACS offers professional development and leadership training. Our members are groomed to be leaders in the field, encouraged to serve on the State or National Board, get involved on a
Committee, submit resolutions for change, and attend Zone Meeting and National Convention. We are respected by policy makers in Washington D.C. and meet with them face-to-face. The networking opportunities are invaluable. Your involvement does more than expand your resume; it adds value to your job and provides vocational training that will serve you throughout your professional career.
Q: What do members of NACS do?
A: Locally— State or regional Chapters meet with the SED and other State Office employees to discuss concerns from the field and offer solutions on how to best correct the problems. Members of NACS are often the first to be contacted for state task forces or review groups.
Nationally— The National Association meets with the Administrator and National Office staff, providing field office perspective and input on proposed regulation changes.
On the Hill—We work with our Legislative Consultant on issues in the Farm Bill to better the delivery of the Farm Loan Programs. NACS members talk directly to Legislators, describing how the agency turns $78.7 million of appropriations into $7.2 billion of capital for farmers and ranchers.
Q: What is the cost?
A: NACS is operated just as a regular business or service club. Dues are collected to support the operations that include:
· Legislative Consultation – supporting Farm Loan Programs in the Farm Bill
· Member reimbursements for Zone Meetings and National Convention
· Board and Legislative travel
· Convention expenses and First Time Attendee reimbursements
· Supplies/business & website expenses
National dues are $6.00 per pay period. Each Chapter sets their own dues, which may be higher than the national dues. Dues are automatically withheld from your paycheck by submitting form FSA-444.
Regular membership shall be those employees, not including political appointees, involved in agricultural credit services that have supervisory and/or program management responsibilities and/or whose job responsibilities include primary duties of agricultural credit programs technical support. These include FLM, FLO, FLOT, FLP-PT, Loan Analyst, DD, FLS, FLC, and Appraisal Staff.